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Conservation of Energy and Projectile Motion
Title: Conservation of energy involving spring system and projectile motion.
Data for Spring Constant
Figure 1.10
Figure 1.10 shows the data recorded and calculated to figure out the spring constant.
Data recorded by Yeoh Ceh Hsing
Posted by Wong Sin Yong
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Advanced Applied Mechanics
Group members: 1)LIM SHING YEU BK07110271 2)YEOH CEH HSING BK07110212 3)CHAN CHING HUI BK07110266 4)LEE SIN HAO BK07110228 5)KOAY QING SHENG BK07110355 6)JASON LIEW FOOK MIN BK07110132 7)MOHD IZHA BIN MD YUSOP HK20062283 8)WONG SIN YONG BK07110230
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